
02Aug 2017
Regency Consulting | From the desk of Daniel Sharon

I have been dutifully reading many articles and numerous publications chiefly related to new real estate developments in South Florida. The burgeoning of a plethora of high-rise residential buildings, coupled with giant commercial components, entertainment and other intriguing attractions are undoubtedly the avatar of prosperity. Thumbs up! Builders, architects, engineers, designers and technology gurus are […]

29Jan 2015

A true Leader wants to give people pride and to make people stand on their own as leaders in their own right. Instead of trying to blind us with his or her brilliance, a true leader reflects our own light back to us, so that we may see ourselves anew. A True Leader does not […]

27Jan 2015
Regency Consulting | From the desk of Daniel Sharon

Celebrity coaches and internationally acclaimed authors have delivered to the world priceless material containing time-tested prescriptions for Success in Leadership. It is true that ‘Failure’ is listed before ‘Success’ in the dictionary; however Failures in Leadership, are but ‘broken rungs’ on the ladder to the Ultimate Success. Leaders must vault over and reach higher.        […]